4 - Koen De Winter on designing for industry
Design is often a word that emerges in conversation when talking about ceramic objects. In this week’s episode, Marianne sits down with internationally known designer Koen de Winter to discuss how his training in ceramics informed his career, and how working with clay was essential to his approach when working with other materials. Mr. De Winter was born in Belgium and now lives in Saint André Avellin, Qc. His designs are in many major museums and he was granted the prestigious Henry van de Velde career award in 2005.
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For the past 100 years, AMACO Brent has been creating ceramic supplies for our community ranging from underglazes to Electric kilns, ...and they have no plans of slowing down. www.amaco.com
Tucker’s Pottery Supplies has been providing quality products to ceramic artists since 1975. You can find their Cone Art kilns in studios and schools all over the world. www.tuckerspottery.com www.coneartkilns.com