3 - Cathy Terepocki and Heather Braun Dahl chat about sustaining their careers in clay
We’re all seeking balance in our lives, looking for signs that we’re on the right path creatively and professionally. This week the sitters had some laughs, possibly some tears, and stayed warm huddled up by the electric kiln to chat about how life tosses you into unexpected situations. All this was inspired by Carole’s interview with Cathy Terepocki and Heather Bruan Dahl, two of Canada’s #badasswomen in clay. Tune in to hear Carole dig deep in conversation to find out how they have maintained sustainable art careers. @cterepocki, www.cathyterepocki.com @dahlhausart, www.dahlhausart.com
Kaolin Crush Insta Links: @pjandersonceramics @ateliertrema @pammafitzgerald
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Today’s episode is brought to you by the following sponsors:
For the past 100 years, AMACO Brent has been creating ceramic supplies for our community ranging from underglazes to Electric kilns, ...and they have no plans of slowing down. www.amaco.com
Tucker’s Pottery Supplies has been providing quality products to ceramic artists since 1975. You can find their Cone Art kilns in studios and schools all over the world. www.tuckerspottery.com www.coneartkilns.com