Maker's Playbook live at NCECA!
Rebecca will be interviewing Louise Rosenfield and Peter Beasecker as part of this year’s NCECA conference in Richmond, VA. Come on out and bring your friends for a live taping of the show on Friday March 22nd at 2:30 pm.

For Flux Sake Live at NCECA!
Kathy, Matt, and Rose are excited to be participating in this year’s NCECA conference in Richmond, VA. Come on out and bring your friends for a live taping of the show on Friday March 22nd at 11 am. Hope to see you there.

Ben is excited to be participating in this year’s NCECA conference in Richmond, VA. He will be talking with panelists about the changing landscape of ceramics education at this year’s NCECA conference. Come on out and bring your friends for a live taping of the show on Thursday March 21st at 2:30 pm.

TRCR 10 Year Celebration
Join us for a live taping of the Tales of a Red Clay Rambler July 25th at 7pm EST. Host Ben Carter will be joined by Carole Epp and other special guests to celebrate ten years of the show. The event is free and open to the public but registration is required.

For Flux Sake Live!
Join us for a live taping of the For Flux Sake podcast with Kathy King, Matt Katz, and Rose Katz.
April 18th 7pm EST. Admission is free and open to the public.

The Kiln Sitters Live!
Join us for a live taping of The Kiln Sitters podcast with Carole Epp, Brendan Tang, and Marianne Chénard.
February 28th 7pm EST. Admission is free and open to the public.